Enough Rain Makes a River by Walter Shawlee 2You are visitor number:      7Page 85
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WS2, Kelowna, B.C.
On the first day of the world
he raised his hands to the face of god

it was a man and a woman rescaled
the chain not yet become flesh
of the living
and that which gives life

and in time
they became the same
and it was as if the waves
that struck the beach
were the fingers of his wife
tenderly touching his face

the sea and the sky took on the same color
and without a horizon
heaven and earth became forever linked
though we deny it with the same breath
of our understanding.

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Text, HTML and some images copyright 1967-2005 by Walter Shawlee 2/Sphere Research Corporation, all rights reserved.
Some images copyright 2004-2005 by Walter Shawlee 3.0/Bridgeworks Photography, all rights reserved.

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