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The Slide Rule Universe
  Sphere Research Corporation
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Welcome to the slide rule universe...CLICK to hear Robby Student Slide Rule Support!
On this page, you can download all kinds of useful information to help you learn about slide rules, including the excellent guides created by the Oughtred Society, which is dedicated to preserving the knowledge and history of the slide rule. These guides are the result of collaboration between a huge international cross-section of users, collectors and makers of slide rules to give you the best possible information.
The Oughtred Society

We hope you will enjoy these publications (PDF format), and get more insight into how slide rules work and how to use them effectively.

Logarex Slide Rule School Pack, CLICK to order

Logarex Slide Rule School Pack, CLICK to order

CLICK to download, All About Slide Rules
CLICK to download
All About Slide Rules
This is the major new on line publication of the Oughtred Society, and covers all aspects of slide rule theory, use, design and history. Extensively illustrated, 111 pages, copyright 2012 by the Oughtred Society, PDF format.
The Oughtred Society
CLICK to Visit
CLICK to download, Beginner's Guide to Collecting Rules
CLICK to download
Beginner's Guide to Collecting Rules
This is a new on line publication of the Oughtred Society, and specifically covers the topic of collecting slide rules illustrated, 11 pages, produced in 2012 by the Oughtred Society, PDF format.
The Oughtred Society
CLICK to Visit
CLICK to download, ISRM-OS Slide Rule Seminar
CLICK to download
OS/ISRM Slide Rule Seminar
This was produced by Mike Konshak of the International Slide Rule Museum for the Oughtred Society. It provides a complete illustrated guide to slide rule oepration in a series of slides, excellent for classroom instruction. 56 pages, PDF format.
ISRM, Click to visit

ISRM, Click to visit
CLICK to download,Pickett Teaching Guide
CLICK to download
Pickett Teaching Guide
This was produced by Pickett to assist teachers in teaching slide rule operation to students, and was a complement to their large 4 and 7 foot hanging demonstration slide rules used for class instruction. Pickett was the Apple of their day, providing all kinds of educational support and free demo slide rules to promote their brand. 48 pages, copyright Pickett 1960, PDF format.
Click to see PICKETT RulesClick to see PICKETT Rules

Places to go in the Slide Rule Universe, people to see....
CLICK to visit the Slide Rule Marketplace
Click to visit!
CLICK HEREBuy a slide rule from our extensive on line marketplace, with restored classics, amazing new in the box rules, and low cost first student rules. We have something for everybody, even a swap and sell area for visitors.
CLICK to Learn about your slide rule!
Click to visit!
CLICK HERELearn to operate and care for your slide rule with these on line manuals and directions. Learn what scales mean, how to use them and how to restore or keep your rule in good condition.
CLICK to visit the Slide Rule Archives!
Click to visit!
CLICK HERETour our extensive archives of slide rule manufacturers and models from all over the world. Find out who made what, and what became of them after they stopped making slide rules. See how slide rules survive today in the form of slide charts still made in the millions annually.
CLICK to visit our LINKS
Click to visit!
CLICK HEREVisit other slide rule places on the web with more slide rule data and information. From personal collections on line to (yes, it's really true) the international slide rule owners and collectors organization, the Oughtred Society.
CLICK to visit the Marketplace
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CLICK HERENice things people have said about us in print and on TV, see the original articles. We always appreciate it!
CLICK to visit the Test Equipment Site!
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CLICK HEREVisit our TEST EQUIPMENT site everything from Scopes, CRT's and DMM's to nixie tubes, HP and Tektronix spare parts. A little electronic something for everybody.
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