CLICK for current US/Canadian Gas Prices Want to know the rated gas mileage for YOUR CAR? Go to this site (www.fueleconomy.gov) for updated figures, all the way back to 1985! Uses the new rating system, so it's actually semi-realistic.
CLICK HERE for the un-skewed alternate data for M3, Inflation, etc. at ShadowStats.com. Scare Yourself.
Calculatoredge A wide range of on-line calculator tools for every engineering discipline.
The Slide Rule Universe

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 Websafe Hex Color Chart, CLICK for bigger PIC!

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 Warning Symbol, click for a larger one!
Places to go in the Aviation World:

The Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA)
AEA/Avionics News Articles Walt's Finding It On The Web:
Jan/08: Test Bench Resources
Feb/08: Semiconductor Parts Info
Mar/08: Test Gear Support
Apr/08: Small Business Support
Walt's Feature Articles:
Jan/08-The World of RNP
Feb/08-The World of Night Vision, Part 1
Mar/08-The World of Night Vision, Part 2
Apr/08-Greening Your Business
September/08-Understanding Calibration, Part 1
October/08-Understanding Calibration, Part 2
2008-The User Hostile Interface (original, no PDF available at the AEA site)
 October/09-Looking at our Future: The impact of Oil on Aviation and Daily Life
Get the ORIGINAL VERSION, loaded with charts and graphs HERE
Walt's Archived Articles at Avionics Magazine, back to 1999:

Click to see!
Walt's Current Article at Avionics Magazine

Click to see!
 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA-USA) Need a copy of AC43-13-1B? CLICK HERE!

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) Available Standards Documents
Transport Canada (AIR)
Just Plain Useful Information
Visit James Howard Kunstler's Site HERE. (author of The Long Emergency, The Geography of Nowhere)
Visit The New York Times Freakonomics Blog . (The Hidden Side of Everything)
Military Information
Assistdocs.com - US Dept. of Defense DoD Document Search

Click for access to standards and specs!
Useful Engineering Links 
Semiconductor Data Sheet Archives
Datasheet4U Archive (by number) http://www.datasheet4u.com/
DataSheet Archive (by number) http://www.datasheetarchive.com/
DataSheet Catalog (by maker) http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/
AllDataSheet (by number) http://www.alldatasheet.com/
Semiconductor Manufacturer Logos & IDs
Semiconductor Manufacturer Logos (by image) http://www.dialelec.com/semiconductorlogos.html
Semiconductor Manufacturer Logos (by image and name) http://www.elnec.sk/support/ic-logos/
The SMD Codebook: Identifying Semiconductor SMD Parts By Type (by code markings, very useful for ID'ing unknown SMD parts!) http://www.marsport.org.uk/smd/mainframe.htm
On Line Calculators
600 Ohm Power dBm/dBu/Volts
50/75/600 Ohm Power dBm/mW/Volts
50 Ohm Power dBm/Watts/Volts
Semiconductor Manufacturers
Analog Devices http://www.analog.com/en/index.html
Allegro http://www.allegromicro.com/
ASI -hp- 5082 Diodes http://www.advancedsemiconductor.com/diodes/5082/5082.shtml
Fairchild Semiconductor now On Semiconductor) http://www.onsemi.com/
International Rectifier (IR now Infineon) http://www.irf.com/
Linear Technology (now Analog Devices) https://www.analog.com/en/index.html
Microchip Technology http://www.microchip.com/
National Semiconductor is NOW TI http://www.ti.com/
ON Semiconductor http://www.onsemi.com/
Philips/NXP http://www.nxp.com/index.html
Texas Instruments http://www.ti.com/
Vishay http://www.vishay.com/
Sphere's Semiconductor/Tube Databook Collection Downloads (Collected from all over the web, thank you everyone for creating these scans)
Hosted at Jim Allen's site Sorted by Category
Hosted at KO4BB's site (by Paul Swed) Sorted by Category
Software Patches amd Updates
The Software Patch (windows and apps) http://www.softwarepatch.com/
Shareware/Freeware Software
LINUX Links (os and apps) http://www.linuxlinks.com/
Get UBUNTU Linux (os and apps) https://ubuntu.com/
Everything Open Source - SourceForge (os and apps) https://sourceforge.net/
Obscure Materials + Parts
Mu Metal (Magnetic Shielding) http://www.magnetic-shield.com/index.html
Lighted Knobs (EHC Knobs) http://www.ehcknobs.com/
Test Equipment Manual Sites
SEE THIS PAGE ON OUR SITE http://www.sphere.bc.ca/test/manuals.html
Tektronix Frame/Plug-in Reference Sites:
TM500/TM5000 Modules http://www.barrytech.com/tektronix/tektm500/tektm500.html
Test Equipment Manufactuer's Transitions
A few years ago in 1999, Hewlett Packard split into:
Hewlett Packard (computers and peripherals) and
Agilent (Test Equipment and analytical equipment)
Which then in turn then divested the RF semiconductor portion in 2005 to:
Avago. Now in 2014, Agilent is split again into Agilent (medical and scientific) and Keysight (test and measurement).
Danaher Corporation Bought Tektronix (Test Equipment Manufacturer) in 2007
And had previously bought Fluke (Test Equipment Manufacturer), which itself had previously acquired Wavetek (Test Equipment Manufacturer) which had merged with Datron (Test Equipment Manufacturer).
For added confusion,
The RF portion of Wavetek became Willtek Communications, which is now part of Aeroflex.
Prior to this, PMI/Pacific Measurements (Microwave Test Equipment) had been acquired by Wavetek, but those assets eventually wound up as part of Gigatronics (Microwave Test Equipment), who mercifully are still around.
Long time avionics icon IFR (Avionics Test Equipment) and test equipment maker Marconi (RF Test Equipment) both became part of Aeroflex (Electronic Systems and Test Equipment).
Technical Resource Sites
delabs Circuit Library http://www.electronics-circuits.com/cirdir/
RadioShack Catalogs From 1939 On http://www.radioshackcatalogs.com/catalog_directory.html
Z3801A/Z3816A GPS (resources) http://www.realhamradio.com/GPS_Frequency_Standard.htm
Legal Forms Online https://formspal.com/
Free Patents Online (Patent Search) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/
US Copyright Office (Copyright Info) http://www.copyright.gov/
US Patent and Trademark Office (Patent and Trademark Search) http://www.uspto.gov/
US Harmonized Tariff Schedule (categories and numbers) http://www.usitc.gov/tata/hts/bychapter/index.htm
Useful Suppliers
Digi-Key (CANADA) https://www.digikey.ca
Digi-Key (USA) https://www.digikey.com/
Fastener Express http://www.fastener-express.com/
LEDtronics http://www.ledtronics.com/
Magnetic Circuit Elements http://www.mcemagnetics.com/
RAF Electronic Hardware http://www.rafhdwe.com/
OKW Enclosures + Knobs https://www.okwenclosures.com/en
Tamura http://www.tamuracorp.com/
Semiconductor Company Name Changes
Having trouble figuring out who is who these days? No surprise, there have been so many buy-outs, divestitures and mergers, it's hard to know who's who in the semiconductor zoo these days. Here's a list of some commonly sought after makers.
Semiconductor makers that now appear to be totally gone from production: Philco, Delco, CBS, Sylvania, Westinghouse, Clevite, Bendix, Transitron, Tung-Sol, Hoffman Semiconductor. Please Correct me if I am wrong!
Electronics Magazines On-Line
EDN http://www.edn.com/
Electronic Design http://electronicdesign.com/
Electronic Engineering Times (Asia) http://www.eetasia.com/
Electronic Products http://www.electronicproducts.com/
Elektor http://www.elektor.com/
Everyday Practical Electronics (EPE) http://www.epemag3.com/
Microwaves & RF http://www.mwrf.com/
Microwave Journal http://www.microwavejournal.com/
Nuts and Volts http://www.nutsvolts.com/
Resistor Color Codes

Great classic component color code chart from New Zealand!
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