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What slide rule is the favorite rule among users?
* Updated November 15, 2017
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1 Numero Uno

Of Choice?

Or, what slide rule is the over-all favorite?

* Opinions vary, and people put different emphasis on different features and makers, but what rules stand out as favorites? This burning question was researched by John Mosand through an on line survey of users on the slide rule mail list, and his survey results are provided here with permission. John died in December of 2013, he was a huge supporter of slide rules and their use world-wide, and was a particular expert on Aristo and European rules. We will all miss his contributions at the Oughtred Society.

* What was more interesting than the mere accumulation of opinion were the interesting trends that quickly developed, and which were reinforced even by late entries after the survey closed.

* For your web browsing pleasure, here are the results to ponder over. Want to keep adding your $0.02 worth? Send in your choices, which will be dutifully added to another running total.

Want to toss in your comments?
Just email us! EMAIL your suggestions!

* It is worth noting that votes for the POST Versalog are really votes for Hemmi, as the justly famous bamboo rule was made by them for POST. The K+E 4081-3 also appears under later release as the 68-1210, but is the same rule. There are numerous variations of the 4081, and if I can be allowed to add some editorial notes, I believe it is the relieved wood edge version that is the 'quintessential' example. To save you all some hunting, there are images provided for each rule, and links to the respective maker's archives so you can see what these winners look like in more detail. I am happy to say these rules are all personal favorites (except the Fuller, I have seen one, but don't own one), and I think the survey does reflect actual preferences, although I know many users who prefer Pickett rules, and we get many requests for them here. Side-by-side, I think these examples in the survey stand out as genuinely superior designs. Other top scoring rules are the Pickett N4ES and K+E 68-1100 Deci-lon, plus pocket rules like the N600ES.

John's Survey (September 1999)

...Favorite Rule For Normal Use...

# 1.
Post 1460/1461
5" & 10" Bamboo & Celluloid rules.

CLICK to visit the POST/Teledyne ArchiveClick for the POST-Teledyne Archive
Visit the Frederick Post Co., Teledyne-Post
Click for Larger 1460 View

Click for Larger 1461 View

# 2.
Faber-Castell 2 / 83N
European 11" Geroplast body rule.
CLICK to visit the Faber-Castell Archive
Visit the
Faber-Castell Company Archive
Click for Larger 2/83N View
# 3.
K+E 4081-3
Log Log Duplex Deci-Trig
10" Mahogany & Celluloid rule.
Visit the K+E ArchiveClick for Larger 4081-3 View

...Favorite Collectable Rule...
# 1.
Faber-Castell 2/83N
European 11" Geroplast body rule.
Visit the Faber Castell ArchiveClick for Larger 2/83N View
# 2.
K+E 4081-3
Log Log Duplex Deci-Trig
10" Mahogany & Celluloid rule.
Visit the K+E ArchiveClick for Larger 4081-3 View
# 3.
Clcik for Larger Fuller View

...Over-All Favorite Rule (Total Points)...

# 1.
Post 1460/1461
5" & 10" Bamboo & Celluloid rules.

Visit the POST ArchiveClick for Larger 1460 View

Click for Larger 1461 View

# 2.
Faber-Castell 2/83N
European 11" Geroplast body rule.
Visit the Faber Castell ArchiveClick for Larger 2/83N View
# 3.
K+E 4081-3
Log Log Duplex Deci-Trig
10" Mahogany & Celluloid rule.
Visit the K+E ArchiveClick for Larger 4081-3 View

Sat, 25 Sep 1999 21:08:45 +0200
Subject: [sliderule] The all time favorites.

As the contributions seem to have come to an end, here are the conclusions:

When unspecified as to category, I have placed the cylindricals in 'collector's items'. Otherwise I'm occasionally a little confused as to the category intended. As a result, I have had to use my own 'feel' based on the wording around it: '...I always carry it...' etc. Anyway, the top choices seem to be clear enough, and if a couple of my own interpretations have been wrong, the results would still be the same.

I decided to use the following scoring system:
First choice: 3 pts., second choice: 2 pts., third choice: 1 pt. In some instances two rules have been indicated as 'toss-ups'. I such a case I have divided points between them.

Will the eBay 'stock market' be affected by these results? Will we now see blurbs like 'Winner of the All Time Favorite Contest! WOW!' :-)

Personal notes: I had predicted to myself that the winner would be found among Deci-Lon, Versalog and Pickett N4 - which came true. I must admit to not being familiar with the 4081-3. (I should probably pay more attention to this one, since it appears to be among the favorites.) I was surprised that the 2/83N would top as a collector - its strong point in my mind being one of the all time greatest users.

Only one of you favored the famous Faber-Castell 1/54 Darmstadt, produced in great quantities from 1935 to 1976 (always in wood) - possibly the most widespread of all 10" professional rules on a world basis. (K, A, B, CI, C, D, P, sin/cos, tg/cot, LL1, LL2, LL3). I want to use this opportunity to point out this one, since it is perhaps not so well known by users/collectors in USA (?) It ought to be!

The result of my wife's drawing among all the contributions: My own announced (admittedly rather humble) prize, a NIB Faber-Castell Columbus, goes to dalemming@aol.com.
On top of this, a known entity on this list has kindly and anonymously, donated a much more valuable NIB Pickett 600ES to this 'worthy cause' (applause, please!). The winner of this one is clarkmccoy@home.com. The winners will be notified separately.

John Mosand

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