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Take a tour through the slide rule world of 1940 with K+E
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Our thanks to Don Harold and K+E for this wonderful piece of slide rule history!

Take a tour through 1940
with K+E and Don Herold,
and see how to select a
slide rule.
An incredible look
back though time.

This free introductory booklet, published and copyright in 1940 by K+E is a great explanation of how a rule works, what it's good for, and which rules are used for what purpose. After more than 60 years, it's still an amazing and useful piece of information. It is reproduced here exactly as it appeared in 1940 (except the blank spacer pages), including the short K+E catalog at the rear. Just CLICK on the link to each page to see it.

Each page is about 100K, the entire booklet is about 2.4Mb. It is worth the wait to see it. Use your browser RETURN to come back after each page, and you can print each one via your browser to make a booklet copy for review.

We believe this document is now in the public domain (over 50 years from the date of the corporate copyright date), and was free in any case, but if we are incorrect, please advise, and we will remove it immediately. Don Herold's style in this booklet is wonderful, and should not be missed by any real slide rule fan!

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