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POST Take an early POST slide rule lesson on their Mannheim rules POST
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POST POST Slide Rule Lesson

POST Lesson

* This old POST lesson is for the 1441 and 1444K pocket Mannheim rules, but also applies to many other POST and Hemmi pocket and full sized Mannheim rules like the 30, 32, 1446, and 1447. It is a well written and compact lesson that covers all basic operation PLUS trig (S, T), log (L) and cube (K) scales. This is scanned from a very old manual copy (50+ years old), so our apologies for the somewhat grainy appearance, it was needed to get usable contrast and acceptable file size.

* The instructions all refer back to the detailed slide rule drawing below, you can click on it to bring up a nice printable/viewable copy now, or get it as a part of the pages below, in two views. You can also get a zipped archive of all the pages at once, and print the GIFs at your convenience. We hope you enjoy this material, and that it will help many people that email in looking for basic instructions.

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POST Lesson
POST Lesson

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