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Slide rule model information, pictures, and history from all over the world
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Earth In these archives, you can find who made slide rules in every country in the world. This is a cross reference and link index to our existing maker's archives and reference files, organized by country, with short form data added on makers wo do not currently have in full illustrated archive format on line.

Earth We have the most data on North American, Western European and Japanese manufacturers, and the least on Russian and Eastern European makers. We have NO data on any makers from South America or Africa, if they even exist. Any information you can add to the master index is greatly appreciated, and you can EMAIL WALTER HERE with updates, additions and corrections.

Earth Some companies changed and evolved through different names and identities, these are generally grouped together into the main archive of the FINAL form. While some makers (Dietzgen, for example) used a few rules from Germany, they were principally an American manufacturer. POST primarily used rules from Hemmi in Japan, except for a brief WW2 period, and are more properly a slide rule distributor. Makers are shown in the country where they did most of their business, and manufacturing, although this sometimes becomes complex to determine. Suffice it to say, we have companies located in the their principal place of business, even if they were partially (or wholly) dependent on imported products. There are some interesting surprises and information hiding in the archives, and all of them are worth a quick visit when you have time.

Earth Is the country of origin, trade name puzzle too confusing?
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What's in a name?

Peek behind the trade name/ buzzword scenes in the slide rule business. A Rose by any other name is a Log Log Duplex Versalog, made by somebody else, and made 12,000 miles away!

Map Courtesy of Larry Stewart
Slide Rule
Linkable items have more data on the site.
America/USA America/USA Many makers used imported product for some or all of their production at different times.
CLICK to visit the Dietzgen ArchiveVisit the Dietzgen
Company Archive
CLICK to visit the KE ArchiveVisit the Keuffel & Esser Company Archive One of America's largest and best known slide rule manufacturers.
* Click to see the Wonderful World of Slide Charts and Perrygrafs

American Slide Chart

Now with VENDOR
information to get
new rules made!
Links to current suppliers, plus archive information.
CLICK to visit the Pickett ArchiveVisit the Pickett
Company Archive
Another major American manufacturer, specialized in metal body rules (first magnesium, then aluminum).
CLICK to visit the POST-Teledyne ArchiveCLICK to visit the POST-Teledyne ArchiveVisit the Frederick Post Co., Teledyne-Post Archive Most rules were from Hemmi, but some from others as well during WW2 and early in the 1900's. Later became Teledyne-POST.
Sterling Relatively low end student rules.
Australia Australia
Canada Canada
CLICK to visit!Hughes-Owens See also POST and Hemmi archives, HO sold rebranded rules from Hemmi under their own part numbers.
CLICK to visit!Geotec Later incarnation of Hughes-Owens, See POST and Hemmi archives, sold rebranded rules from Hemmi under their own part numbers, different from HO part numbers.
Czech Czechoslovakia
Logarex Attractive and well made rules of all kinds, archive coming soon.
CHINA China Mainland China, does not include Taiwanese makers.
CLICK to visit the flying fish archiveVisit the Flying Fish
Company Archive
China's state run manufacturer, many specialized rules for industry.
Denmark Denmark
Diwa Many DIWA rules were made as corporate products, often marked with their logos, especially pocket rules.
England/UK England/UK
CLICK to Visit the Blundell-Harling archive!Visit The Blundell-Harling Company Archive Archive includes Blundell and Harling plus their later amalgamation.
* Unusual Slide Rules, Click to Visit!Otis King
Plus other unusual rules
The Otis King rules are the best known and most common cylindrical rules.
France France
CLICK to visit the Graphoplex archiveVisit the Graphoplex
Company Archive
Graphoplex appears in the USA as Koh-i-noor. Broad product line, with export sales all over Europe and to the USA.
Germany Germany Both East and West Germany are included here, and most companies predate partition.
CLICK to see the ARISTO archiveVisit The Aristo Company Archive Includes Dennert and Pape in the archive.
Dennert and Pape See Aristo archive for details.
CLICK to visit the Faber-Castell ArchiveVisit the Faber-Castell
Company Archive
Includes A.W. Faber, Faber-Castell, etc. One of the largest makers in Europe. Supplied rules to other companies including Dietzgen in the USA for rebranding.
Visit the Nestler Archive Visit the Nestler
Company Archive
One of Germany's oldest makers, their high quality rules were used by von Braun and Einstein, among others.
Visit the Staedtler-Mars ArchiveVisit the Staedtler
SM distributed in many countries, and later manufactured in many countries, but most slide rules and the company originated in Germany.
Italy Italy
Japan Many products from Japanese makers re-appear world wide under other trade names, especially Hemmi.
Company Archives
Hemmi marked their rules with the SUN logo/tradename. Companies world wide sold Hemmi rules under their own trade marks, including POST, Hughes-Owens, etc.
Click to visit slide rules you wear!
Seiko Slide Rules You Wear

Slide Rule Watches
Archive includes other watch makers with slide rules as well.

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