Electromechanical / Electromagnetic
 119 / 120 / 147 / 148 Tektronix Parts
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Tektronix Parts
These are the Tektronix parts we have on hand, both new and used. If you need something, especially a mechanical part (case parts, etc.), give us a call, we may have it from a scrapped unit, and not listed. Scroll down to have a look, or Click on the appropriate tab to go right to the section you are interested in. Visit our new Tek semiconductor cross-reference page, if you can't figure out what a 151-0188-00 really is.
NAVIGATION: To make your life easier, and help you find exactly what you want, we have broken the on-line equipment catalogs into smaller sections. Just CLICK on the item you are looking for at the left, to see the matching catalog. Large graphical catalogs are a bit SLOW, so please give them a bit of time to load. The top header of each catalog is largely the same, so don't think you are stuck in one place!
You can order anything here just by picking up the phone, and calling (250) 769-1834 during normal office hours, 8:30AM to 4:30PM PST. OR, Email your order to Susan HERE.
 SHIPPING: Preferred and Alternate Methods as of June 4, 2013, CLICK for FULL DETAILS ON OUR FAQ Page. Rates are now changing rapidy, often with little notice to us, so all the data has been transferred to the FAQ page for speedy updating.
E-Mail Susan if you want a quote for shipping to other destinations, or for something heavy. Sorry, we can't safely send most individual small parts in a regular letter envelope, they get destroyed by the automated handling equipment. Sometimes we can ship very rugged parts in a small padded envelope by letter post. Ask Susan.
There is a packing charge for large or heavy equipment, see the FAQ for details.
If we have your valid data on file, you can just click on the ORDER email link to place an order and indicate your approval to bill, and we will do the rest. We keep your active information for ONE YEAR for your convenience.
If this is the first time you have dealt with us, you can phone +1 (250) 769-1834 to supply the billing info, or send it by the email link, as you prefer. We accept VISA/MC, international money order, Paypal (to Susan@Okanagan.net), and bank wire transfer. Please note that there are transaction fees with Paypal and wire transfer payments, the wire transfer fee is frankly horrifying.

CONDITION: To answer your questions, YES, we completely check and inspect all used equipment, and do not offer any we feel is substandard. That gear is normally scrapped, broken down for parts, or may get offered as-is in the HOT DEALS section, with the unit's condition clearly identified. If there are any marks or detracting features, we clearly state them in the listing. Before shipment, we burn in the equipment for 24 hrs. again and re-check to be sure it is good prior to shipment. The CATALOG will appear below shortly! Don't forget these illustrated sections take a few seconds to load, but they are worth the wait!
119/120-Series Transformers
Part Number |
DESCRIPTION With details |
Price |
 CLICK for bigger PIC!
119-2066-01 |
Tek HV Flyback and HV multiplier, made by Multi-comp, new complete with cables. |
NEW Just 1 |
$65 |
 120-0038-00 |
 Tek Power Transformer |
NEW Just 1 |
$25 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0136-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer High voltage type with color coded flying leads. |
 NEW Just 2 |
$29 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0150-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer High voltage type with color coded flying leads. |
$29 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0184-00 |
Tek Transformer Small driver style. |
 NEW Just 1 |
$19 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0275-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer High voltage type with color coded flying leads. |
 NEW Just 2 |
$29 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0323-01 |
Tek Miniature Ferrite Bead Transformer special purpose part. |
 NEW Just 1 |
$9 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0360-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer High voltage type with pc leads, flying leads and attached ceramic capacitor. |
$35 |
 120-0366-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
$12 |
120-0378-01 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer, factory boxed, old series part. |
 New Just 1 |
$20 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0464-00 |
Tek Current Probe Ferrite Transformer special purpose part. |
$39 |
 120-0470-00 |
Tek AC Power Transformer |
Used in Tek 453 scope, removed from working unit, complete with fuseholders and mounting bracket, as-is condition 1 ea. |
$40 |
120-0523-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer Service center spare, looks good, but unable to test, so as is. |
Used 1 |
$21 |
 120-0525-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
$12 |
 120-0543-00 |
Tek AC Power Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$30 |
 120-0567-03 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$25 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0614-00 |
Tek Current Probe Ferrite Transformer special purpose part. |
$39 |
 Click for bigger PIC!
120-0649-00 |
Tek AC Power Transformer |
Used in Tek 454A scope, removed from working unit, complete with fuseholders and mounting bracket, full length primary leads, as-is condition SORRY, SOLD |
$40 |
New Factory Boxed 120-0697-00 |
Tek Miniature Toroid Transformer . |
 NEW Just 2 |
$9 |
 120-0709-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
$35 |
 CLICK for bigger PIC!
120-0735-00 |
Miniature Tek Ferrite Power Transformer (HV), Pot Core Style with flying leads. CLICK HERE for close up. |
$39 |
 120-0738-00 |
Tek Ferrite Coupling Transformer |
$10 |
 120-0761-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
$35 |
 120-0798-01 |
Tek AC Power Transformer |
Used in Tek 465/B scope, removed from working unit, complete with voltage switches and thermal cut-out, known-good condition Just 1 |
$50 |

 120-0799-01 |
Tek AC Power Transformer |
Used in Tek 475 scope, removed from working unit, complete with thermal cut-out, known-good condition SORRY, SOLD |
$50 |
 120-0800-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformers |
Used in Tek 465/B scopes, removed from working supplies, known good. SORRY, SOLD |
$49 |
 120-0800-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformers |
Used in Tek 465 scopes, new stock SORRY, SOLD |
$59 |
120-0815-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
For model 475 scope. Used part, but guaranteed good, removed from fully operational unit. Just 1 |
$59 |

 120-0823-00 |
Ferrite Power Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$25 |

 120-0879-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformers |
 New stock Just 1 |
$40 |
 120-0909-01 |
Ferrite Power Transformer New, Tek factory boxed |
New. 2 |
$65 |
 120-0917-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
 New 8 ea. |
$25 |
 120-0960-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$20 |
 120-0976-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
$35 |
 120-0978-00 |
Tek AC Power Transformer |
Complete with wiring, known-good condition SORRY, SOLD |
$20 |
 120-0984-00 |
Ferrite Power Transformer |
Used, fits Tek 455. SORRY, SOLD |
$35 |
 120-1016-00 |
Ferrite Power Transformer |
Used, fits SC50X series of TM500 miniature scope modules. SORRY, SOLD |
$25 |
 120-1022-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
 New 2 ea. |
$16 |
 120-1034-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer For LA501 |
 New 2 ea. |
$9 |
 120-1087-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer, used in 7603, late production |
$49 |
 120-1136-00 |
Tek Ferrite Coupling Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$12 |
 120-1173-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
New, removed from new spares assembly SORRY, SOLD |
$25 |
 120-1174-00 |
Tek Ferrite Transformer |
New, removed from new spares assembly 1 ea. |
$15 |
 120-1202-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$25 |
 120-1230-02 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer |
$25 |
 120-1235-00 |
Tek Ferrite High Frequency Balun Transformer |
 New 39ea. |
$5 |
 120-1311-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used in 2335, 2336, etc. |
Used 4 ea. |
$30 |
 120-1314-00 |
Tek AC Power Transformer Used in 2335, 2336, etc. With full length leads. |
Used 1 ea. |
$35 |
 120-1347-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used in 22xx series. Tested. |
Used Have 6 |
$20 |
 120-1348-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used in 2213/15 series, fully tested. Pic shows -01, but these are -00. |
$49 |
 120-1401-00 |
Tek Ferrite Common Mode Choke Used in 22xx series, often fails when the switcher PSU burns up, we finally have a good supply of them. BRAND NEW, late production parts. |
NEW 55 ea. |
$15 |
 120-1439-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used in 22xx series. |
$25 |
 120-1439-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used in 22xx series. |
$30 |
 120-1498-00 |
Tek Ferrite Coupling Transformer |
 New 1 ea. |
$12 |
 120-1556-00 |
Tek Ferrite Pincushion Pot core, GMA2XX series. New |
New 9 |
$12 |
 120-1566-00 |
Tek Current Transformer, 100CT:1 ratio, Pulse Engineering PE-63618-001, used in 118AS. |
New 10 ea. |
$12 |
 120-1569-00 |
Tek Ferrite Common Mode filter choke |
 New 2 ea. |
$12 |
 120-1571-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Choke |
 New 3 ea. |
$15 |
 120-1594-00 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used in 22xx series. |
$59 |
120-1601-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Used, tested good pull. |
$59 |
 120-1634-02 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer New in the box. |
$45 |
 CLICK for bigger PIC! 120-1650-00 |
Tek Flyback, p/n MSH1ABF109 New, loose stock, with HV lead. |
New 2 |
$49 |
 120-1682-00 |
Tek Ferrite HV Power Transformer, used in 2467 and 2467B New |
New 3 |
$49 |
 120-1787-00 |
Tek AC Power Transformer Tested, used in 2205 and similar scopes, complete with hardware. |
Used 2 ea. |
$40 |
 120-1788-00 |
Tek Ferrite HV Transformer Tested, used in 2205 and similar scopes. |
$45 |
 120-1792-01 |
Tek Ferrite Power Transformer Switching Power supply transformer. |
$40 |

 120-1841-00 |
Tek Flyback HV Power supply transformer. |
$40 |
 120-1842-00 |
 Tek Flyback/PSU Assembly Wintron HV Power supply transformer. Used Tek service spare, condition unknown, as-is. All cables in good condition, overall physical condition very good. |
Just 1
$40 |
 120-1936-00 |
Tek Flyback Used Tek service spare, condition unknown, as-is. All cables in good condition, overall physical condition very good. |
Just 1
$39 |
148-Series Tektronix Relays
9 Pin Glass Tube 148-0002-00 |
Tek Time Delay Relay Apollo (orig. in the scope may be Amperite) 6NO45 time delay relay, 45 seconds, normally open, 6.3V. New factory boxed parts. Wickedly hard to find. Looks just like -0021 part below. |
3 ea.
$22 |
 148-0021-00 |
Tek Time Delay Relay Tube style time delay relay, Apollo (orig. in the scope may be Amperite), 6NO30, new factory boxed. Very hard to find, for older tube style scopes. |
1 ea.
$22 |
 148-0022-00 |
Tek Relay R10 style relay, R10E1-Y2-V185-12VDC, new factory boxed. 12VDC coil, 185 ohms, DPDT, gold contacts. |
1 ea.
$15 |
 148-0026-00 |
Tek Relay Open frame style relay, MK1C24VDC, Philips Advance, new factory boxed. 24VDC coil, SPDT, silver contacts. |
2 ea.
$8 |
 148-0034-00 |
Tek Relay 15V, 300 ohm, DPDT miniature relay. Used, checked. |
9 ea.
$12 |
Factory Boxed 148-0045-00 |
Tek Relay R10 style relay, R10-E1105-1, new factory boxed. 4PDT, 12VDC coil, 185 ohms, DPDT, heavy contacts. |
 Last 1
$18 |
 148-0047-00 |
Tek Relay R10 style relay, R10-E697-2, new factory boxed. 12VDC coil, 185 ohms, DPDT, heavy contacts. |
 Have 2
$18 |
 CLICK for bigger PIC! 148-0055-00 |
Tek Relay DPDT 15VDC miniature plug in relay. |
3 ea.
$19 |
 148-0107-03 |
Tek Relay SPDT miniature relay, updated version of early Tek in house relay design. |
4 ea.
$16 |
 148-0107-04 |
Tek Relay DPDT miniature relay, updated version of early Tek in house relay design. |
4 ea.
$19 |
 148-0128-00 |
Tek Relay PC board contact relay, dual coils, latching. W/mtg. screws, very hard to find. |
$19 |
 148-0195-00 |
Tek Relay encapsulated 3PST COTO 3400-0146 reed relay. |
2 ea.
$22 |
IMPORTANT ! Graphical logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, including Tektronix, Fluke, RCA, TI, GE, General Radio and Hewlett Packard, and are used here merely to unambiguously identify the products. Sphere Research IS NOT a factory authorized distributor for any of the product lines indicated. |
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